Our Events (2023)
Industry Forum on “Navigating Growth: Elevating Export Competitiveness”
This brings together policy makers, business leaders, industry associations and many other stakeholders to discuss strategies for enhancing Sri Lanka’s export competitiveness in the global market
Export- oriented Product Fair
This aims to catalyze Sri Lanka’s export sector by creating a platform for SMEs to showcase their products.
Exporters’ Hub
This aims to equip local exporters with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify emerging industry trends and capitalize on new business opportunities, ultimately leading to the enhancement of their enterprises.
ExpoGenius Quest: Innovation Competition
ExpoGenius Quest is an export-oriented innovation competition specifically designed for the undergraduates of the state universities in Sri Lanka.
Workshop on “Empowering SMEs to E-platforms”
This is aimed to provide practical guidance on how to establish and manage an online presence through various e-commerce and digital platforms.
Awareness session on “Safe Labor Migration”
An awareness program for potential migrants to enhance their knowledge of the importance of safe migration and the available foreign market opportunities.
Launch of Guide on Financing Export-oriented SMEs
This is designed to equip the SME sector with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex world of financing to achieve their aim of winning the international markets.